Environmental Stewardship
Dedicated to ecological responsibility
We are deeply committed to reducing our impact on our surroundings, addressing local and global environmental challenges and striving to advance environmental sustainability.

To create a sustainable environment now and in the future, we view making every effort to conserve and enhance natural resources as one of our highest obligations. We seek to capture every opportunity to use raw materials from renewable sources to improve SONGWON’s environmental performance and to ensure that we can recycle those materials. In cooperation with the German based innovative packaging specialists, RPC bpi nordfolien, SONGWON has become one of the 1st chemical companies in the world to pack products in 20kg PE-bags made of 50% recycled polyethylene.

Water is one of our most vital and valuable natural resources. It is also an important part of SONGWON’s manufacturing process and we challenge ourselves on an ongoing basis to identify and implement ways to reduce our water consumption and improve the quality of discharged.

Although SONGWON’s current operations have no direct effect on biodiversity, we still support conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity. Ensuring that a healthy biodiversity is maintained is essential to the survival of all living things and it is something we feel very strongly about.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale is crucial if we are to avoid drastic global warming. Although renewable energy is growing fast, unfortunately it is not growing fast enough. This is why one of our main objectives is to continue to reduce SONGWON’s total carbon emissions overall and per each product we produce.

Effluents and Waste
SONGWON always seeks to take advantage of the most practical and sustainable waste management solutions available today. We continue to lower our levels of effluents and waste and are in fact, exceeding current standards in terms of quantity and quality.

We understand the important role good energy management plays in sustainable development. Wholly committed to improving the efficiency of SONGWON’s operations, we are reducing our energy use and associated costs and engaging in an energy consumption reduction program.
Here are just a few of our successfully implemented initiatives in our Korean plants:
- optimizing the use of steam during the distillation step
- recycling (partial) of washing solvents and mother liquors after the crystallization step
- reusing the steam condensate as boiler feeder water
- installing solar panels on the warehouse roof
- using an inverter to save electricity
- recovering solvents from the final product drying step
- direct recycling in crystallization of the recovered solvents
- improving process by eliminating the use of solvents
- reusing recovered products, intermediates and raw materials from tars and solid wastes